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Carousel Ads

Client Request: AZ Coffee wanted a carousel ad of 4 to 6 slides. Their brand is a one stop shop for specialty coffees from around the globe. The only copy was their slogan "A New World at Your Fingertips."  They gave no font or color preferences.

They requested the Adobe Illustrator files of a logo and the 4 to 6 carousel images with a time constraint of 90 minutes.

Intelligent Design:  To deal with the nearly impossible time constraint, I searched free photo sites for "coffee" and found these fingertips holding a cup.  Then I searched for "top coffee cities" to find iconic coffee destinations.  The slogan is emblazoned on the  cup alongside a quick logo idea made from a vector demitasse I created in a previous project.


Web Design

Clean redesign for Wee Creek Press whose old sight looked like a '90's build. Due to illness, the company had to close in 2022.

This links to my version.

Mobile App Design

UI/UX design with Adobe XD for prototypes.  This is an app I'm working on for my Galendor Trilogy.

This links to the Adobe XD prototype.

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